Under Distant Skies.

The journey begins —

Steve's Featured Story:

“Father John lay motionless along the banks of Lake Kyoga. The ground was uncomfortably wet and small biting ants crawled onto his hands and legs. He could still hear the whining of the bullets as they passed overhead and occasionally one would smack into the soil next to him.”

Read the full story:
The Road to Gulu
Published in "Pecan Grove Review"
Spring 1998


“Deer stand silent / They see us as we are / Invisible and camouflaged”

Read the full poem:
The Space In Between
Published in The Houston Literary Review
October 2009


“Jimmy and me was tryin' to keep it real quiet so as not to let them know we was comin'. Jimmy was always my best partner for a moonlight hunt.”

Read the full story:
A Moonlight Hunt
Published in The Houston Literary Review
June/July 2009